A Pharisee and a “ruler of the Jews,” mentioned only by John. He (1) interviewed Christ at Jerusalem and was taught by Him the doctrine of the New Birth (John 3:1-15), (2) defended Him before the Sanhedrin (John 7:50-52), and (3) assisted at His burial (John 19:39-42). ISBE

Perhaps, it is only a matter of curiosity to wonder why the various writers of the New Testament chose the stories that wrote about people. These stories were not always favorable or complimentary. But they do seem to depict the first century people and ultimately all century people. Nicodemus is a case in point. He was self admittedly someone who knew Jesus was a teacher from God 3:2. His belief, like so many of that time and of all time was incomplete. He was obviously confused as to who Jesus was. He struggled to understand in spiritual terms. Yet, he was responsible, at least in part, for the burial of Jesus.

Nicodemus’s night time visit is a matter by many of concern. Perhaps he did not want to be seen visiting the man the majority of Pharisees was seeking to silence. Of maybe Jesus had been very busy with his traveling and teaching and this was the only time he could see him. His understanding had taken him far enough to recognize the “signs” Jesus had been doing were only possible if God was behind them. Many admit the unusual nature of Jesus then and now but in this case, Nicodemus to pursued his interest.

Of further interest Nicodemus seemed to have no question for Jesus as most others had. He had taken a considerable risk to talk to Jesus as his friends and would not understand 7:48. His curiosity had developed into a need to understand, who Jesus was, and by what authority He taught thing contrary to the accepted traditions of the Jewish faith. Jesus was a mystery to him and one he simply could not over-look.

Jesus did offer a question design to challenge his understanding and faith. While technically not in the form of a question it was crafted in such a way as to be answered like a question, John 3:3 NKJV Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” What are you talking about seems to be the reaction? How is this possible? I thought we were talking about miracles? Nicodemus present be-fore Jesus is an indication to Jesus he had come far beyond curiosity and now need to be told how to enter the kingdom of heaven. Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 1:3-23, James 1:18. Jesus told him the same thing Peter told his Jewish audience you must hear, believe, repent and be baptized Act 2:38.

Nicodemus would appear at least two more times after his encounter with Jesus in the dead of the night. John 7:45-52. On the last day of the great feast Jesus bids all to come to him for living water, this caused a division among the people. Some wanted to silence Him. Other want more of His Sign and teachings. The Chief priests and Pharisees wanted Him arrested. When the officers came back without him, they were not pleased. There remarks give us a picture of the affect of the Signs and teaching Jesus was having, “are you also deceived?” At least one of the Pharisees and perhaps a few more recognized His actions must stem from God and therefore His teaching. The majority of the Pharisees openly rebuked any who would offer a defense for Jesus. John 7:52 NKJV They answered and said to him, “Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for no prophet has arisen out of Galilee.” There assertion Jesus could not possible be a prophet because there had never been one from Galilee is flimsy at best. Simply because there had never been one did not prove there could not have been one. In addition, “this conclusion, says Calmet, was false and impertinent: false, because Jonah was of Gathheper, in Galilee: see 2 Kings 14:25, compared with Joshua 19:13. The Prophet Nahum was also a Galilean, for he was of the tribe of Simeon; and some suppose that Malachi was of the same place. ACC. Like so many often do, they offer false and inconclusive evidence for their own belief. Yet, it appears Nicodemus faith is still to weak to offer these facts to further defend Jesus before the Pharisees.

The third appearance of Nicodemus he is honoring Jesus, John 19:38-12. The Passover feast was fast approaching. Jesus enemies were so caught up in the moment of sweet revenge they had Him crucified forgetting of this fact. Now something must be done to ride the cross of bodies. They ask for the legs be broken to hasten the demise of the four on the cross. John is the only writer to note an important point, John 19:36 NKJV For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, “Not one of His bones shall be broken.” Compare Exodus 12:46, Numbers 9:12, Psalm 34:20. Let us understand it wholly improper to speak of Jesus “broken body” on the cross if for not other reason than it was prophesied by prophets of old.

Nicodemus along with Joseph of Arimathea collected the body and made the needed preparation for burial. Actions which they knew full well would preclude them from partaking of the Feast of the Passover at that time. Neither of these men were confessing disciples of Christ. Their respect for and trust in Jesus outweighed the inconveniences in this life they would willingly give to honor the King. Did they believe Jesus was sent from God, or was the Christ, we will never know? Both shook their heads at the injustice done to Jesus. Neither believed Jesus had received a fair hearing. They used their position and money to collect the body and give Him a proper burial. But their discipleship was muted at best. They took no risks. They protected their position. Certainly, Discipleship is more than this.


  1. With what sect of the Jews did Nicodemus identify himself?
  2. What did Nicodemus believe abut the sign Jesus accomplished?
  3. Why do you think Nicodemus came to Jesus after dark?
  4. What question did Jesus have for Nicodemus?
  5. What did Jesus tell Nicodemus that coincided with Peter, Acts 2:38?
  6. What two things did Nicodemus do for Jesus?
  7. What do you think of the reasons the Pharisees gave for why Jesus could not be a prophet?
  8. What do you think of the actions of Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea in relationship to discipleship?
  9. What does it mean to be born again? What is the new birth? Support your answer.
  10. Was Jesus pleased with the discipleship as seen in the behavior of Nicodemus? Compare Matthew 8:19-22 and Luke 14:26-27.